Join SSS
If you meet at least one of our eligibility criteria and would like to become a program
participant, you must submit a completed application to be evaluated by the program
staff. SSS serves approximately 200 undergraduates (freshmen to seniors) each year.
This is a voluntary support service, thus only by returning an application in a
timely fashion do you begin the process to secure a place in the WVU SSS Program.
While applications are accepted throughout the year on a rolling basis, priority
consideration will be provided to students who submit applications in the spring
(April/May) of each year.
By applying to SSS, you will be taking a giant step toward assuring your success at West Virginia University.
Click here to access our online application: SSS Application
Click here to access our online Income Verification Form: Complete Income Verification Form
Student Support Service programs are designed to serve undergraduate college students who meet specific program requirements. To be eligible for admission to WVU’s SSS program, students must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Income: Each year, the U.S. Department of Education publishes guidelines which
define low income based on family size. Click here for
income guidelines.
- First Generation College Student: First generation college students are defined
as those whose parents or legal guardians have not completed a Bachelor’s degree
(neither father, mother, nor legal guardian(s) has graduated from a four-year
- Disability: Disability refers to students with a physical or mental impairment which limits a major life activity. This includes learning disabilities. Such disabilities must be documented with the WVU Office of Student Accommodations.
What are the perks of being an SSS participant?
Some of the FREE services and programs we provide include:
Individualized tutoring
: SSS participants are eligible for free one-on-one tutoring in a variety of
academic disciplines including math, English, chemistry, physics, biology,
geology, accounting, economics, philosophy, and foreign languages. SSS also
provides tutoring in other areas if at all possible. The tutoring staff consists
of graduate and undergraduate students who have successfully completed the
courses they are tutoring. During tutoring sessions, tutors will also provide
peer advising with SSS students as needed in regard to time management, study
skills, test taking anxiety, as well as other issues that may be affecting
a student’s academic achievement.
Assistance with the financial aid process
: Each program participant is assigned an SSS counselor who will sit down with
you and assist you with your application for financial aid, and assist you
in understanding your award package fromWVU. Counselors will also assist you
in identifying alternative forms of aid available to college students.
Academic Advising
: SSS participants who are general studies or pre-studies majors are advised
by SSS professional staff members who are trained by the Undergraduate Academic
Services Center. During pre-registration, participants meet with their SSS
advisor to plan their schedules based on University requirements and student
interests. SSS staff takes the time to explore with each student the trends
in employment, areas of interest, high skill areas, and prospective career
paths. They will also review the student’s high school and college records
as appropriate and work with the SSS participant to develop the most effective
plan toward achieving graduation.
Variety of activities, events, and program
: SSS participants will have the opportunity to take advantage of variety of
a social activities, cultural events, and academic programs. Examples include:
- Social activities– bowling, pizza parties, picnics, movie nights, trips
- Cultural events– theatre tickets, concerts, dinner programs
Academic programs– time management, mid-term/finals preparation, stress
To learn more about this semester’s programs and events, go to SSS News and Events.
Computer workstations
: As an SSS participant, you will be able to take advantage of our office computer
work stations, which includes free printing for all of our students.
Personal one-on-one support from trained SSS professional
: Each SSS participant is assigned a counselor who meets with students at least
once a semester to provide assistance.